Chair of Hydrological Change and Water Resources Management
In summer 2010, a UNESCO Chair on hydrological change and water resource management was established at RWTH Aachen University. The management of this UNESCO Chair is the responsibility of the Department of Engineering Hydrology. One focus of the tasks of this UNESCO Chair is to support the topic of lifelong learning (from kindergarten to school and university to in-service learning) and to create targeted offers for media-supported knowledge transfer. To this end, the chair offers the Waterlab school laboratory for middle school students and the children's university "All about water".
Funded projects
The Virtual Linguistics Campus
ArsLegendi Award winner Prof. Jürgen Handke was looking for a new home for his large collection of teaching and learning modules from the Linguistics Campus.
He did that with us on an independent Moodle-Platform. We are very pleased to be able to support his initiative to provide open educational resources in the sense of the UNESCO OER Declaration. Currently (October 2021), users from 150 countries are already registered on the platform.
Quickstarter Online Teaching
When the pandemic swept across the higher education landscape in early 2020, a few dedicated individuals banded together to organise a Quickstarter Online Teaching.
Then, on 15 April, the "Quickstarter Online Teaching" started and we have supported this process by providing and supporting a stand-alone Moodle-Instance. The initiative found a lot of users and was very successful (among other things, it was awarded a Comenius EduMedia Medal).
In 2021, the second round of the qualification special was launched and you still have the opportunity to access all course materials.