Steering Migration through Sustainable Development: Euro-Egyptian Program for Agriculture and Rural Development (DeVilag) aims to reduce migration from rural areas in Egypt to the big cities and Europe. To this end, a comprehensive needs assessment is to be carried out to determine the know-how required to increase the effectiveness and productivity of Egyptian agriculture. This know-how is to be built up in specially developed study courses at the 4 Egyptian partner universities and training with Egyptian teachers. In addition, the local population will be offered services related to agriculture through the "DeVilag Service Offices" (DSO) established at each of the 4 universities. Finally, through the creation of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) as an open educational resource (OER), the transfer of the missing know-how will be made publicly available to everyone in order to promote the sustainable development of agriculture in Egypt.

MeaTLOAV - DAAD funding IVAC
Together with Prof. Robert Schmitt from the WZL of RWTH Aachen University we create virtual reality labs for students of GUtech in Oman. In the context of the