
Starkregenrisikomanagement als Serious Game

In this project, game-based learning modules are developed that are to be used for teaching in the field of heavy rain prevention, protection and awareness raising. Heavy rainfall is a phenomenon that will occur more and more frequently in the future due to climate change and cause greater damage. Due to the shift in rainfall events from evenly distributed rainfall amounts throughout the year to longer periods of drought and heavier rainfall events, knowledge about protective measures must be built up, consolidated, expanded and disseminated more intensively in the future.

The use of digital serious games promotes the intrinsic motivation of the learners and leads to a more intensive engagement of the learners with the content. The heavy rain events are visualised and offer the user the possibility to participate in the extreme situations in a playful way. Additional incentives are achieved through competitions, high scores and reward systems.

Games that deal with the topic of river flooding already exist. However, learning modules on the topic of heavy rainfall do not yet exist. This is where the project comes in by closing the gap and offering students, volunteers and those affected the opportunity to learn specialised knowledge in a playful, collaborative, mobile way using real heavy rainfall events.

The aim of the project is the development of game-based learning modules for knowledge transfer and awareness raising of climate-related heavy rainfall events and their mitigation. The result should enable a playful approach and training in the education and training of students, volunteers and people affected by heavy rain.

The source code of the project can also be found in GitLab.

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